Search on: CYCLE, ESTROUS 
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Descriptor English:   Estrous Cycle 
Descriptor Spanish:   Ciclo Estral 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Ciclo Estral 
Synonyms English:   Cycle, Estrous
Cycles, Estrous
Estrous Cycles  
Tree Number:   G08.686.195
Definition English:   The period of cyclic physiological and behavior changes in non-primate female mammals that exhibit ESTRUS. The estrous cycle generally consists of 4 or 5 distinct periods corresponding to the endocrine status (PROESTRUS; ESTRUS; METESTRUS; DIESTRUS; and ANESTRUS). 
Indexing Annotation English:   non-primate mammals only; humans & other primates, use MENSTRUAL CYCLE
History Note English:   2002; use ESTRUS 1975-2001 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
DE drug effects GE genetics
IM immunology ME metabolism
PH physiology RE radiation effects
UR urine  
Record Number:   36348 
Unique Identifier:   D030762 

Occurrence in VHL:
